Hello all!

How are you all? Here is an email updating you all a little bit if you're interested. 🙂 I have just begun my second year as a DMA student at the University of Southern Mississippi, both as a student and a graduate assistant. This semester, I plan to perform a chamber recital featuring Bach's Sonata BWV 1031 with a flute player, Rachmaninoff's Trio Élégiaque in G minor, and Beethoven's Quintet Op. 16 with some talented instrumentalists! I will continue doing collaborative piano work as part of my graduate assistantship at the University of Southern Mississippi. Additionally, I will be teaching a section of class piano again. However, this time I will be teaching the 3rd piano class in a sequence of four classes. I was able to complete a theory class during the summer, so I get a semester off from taking theory classes.

-- Joy Parker


Raymond Nugent


Audrey Peterbark