I started playing piano when I was five years old and took lessons with Mrs. Clarfield from 8th grade through my senior year of high school. I continued being involved in music in college, and I graduated from Amherst College in 2020 with a double major in music and neuroscience. I prepared and performed a senior solo recital just prior to graduation under my college piano teacher, Mrs. Chonghyo Shin, but for the sake of old times and fantastic teaching, also came back to NJ and Mrs. C for a lesson! After college, I moved to the Boston area for its hub of scientific research. I first worked in a neuroscience lab at the Broad Institute and Harvard Medical School looking at neural migration and network development, but then moved to a biotech company where my current research is focused on gene therapy and genetic sequencing. Unfortunately apartment living makes it a little difficult to keep my old mini-grand with me in the city, but I do have a trusty electric keyboard to fiddle around with when I’m missing the piano! I’ve been playing a lot of Chopin lately, and it’s nice to see that at least my dog still approves because she always comes to hang out when I’m working on something!

Video links:

My dad’s YT channel with a couple recitals while under Mrs. C: https://www.youtube.com/@thomasque7109

My college senior solo recital: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vbDOG_s0rKA 


Andreea Pauta


Leslie F. Su