Vivian Xu, 18, is a freshman at Yale University thinking of being an Applied Mathematics major concentrated in Economics. She studied piano for 13 years, 7 of which with Professor Ingrid Clarfield of Westminster Choir College of Rider University. Her former teacher was Mrs. AnLi-Young. Vivian has won numerous top awards including First Place in American Protege International Concerto Competition, First Place in American Fine Arts Festival International Concerto Competition, First Prize and Best Performer in VIVO International Music Competition, Third Place in International Young Artist Piano Competition, Third Prize in ENKOR International Music Competition and International Grande Music Competition, Finalist in Dubois Piano Festival & Competition, Alternate winner of MTNA New Jersey Junior Performance Competition, and Third Prize in International Grande Music Competition. She has also received First Prize for Associated Music Teachers League Scholarship and New Jersey Music Teachers Association Young Musicians Competition. She won Third Prize and Best Performance of Work by a Living Composer in the 2016 Piano Teachers Congress Honors Program. In 2017, she received the twelve-year award at the New Jersey Music Teachers Association Spring Auditions. She was also the Gold Prize winner of Young Pianist Competition of New Jersey for scoring the highest in all three competition divisions. Vivian was also the Third Place winner of the Distinguished Artist Competition of Shore Music Educators Association and has won prizes in the Bravura Philharmonic Orchestra Young Artists Concerto Competition, National League of Performing Arts, and Steinway Society Scholarship Competition. Being one of the five Elmer and Louise Menges Scholarship Recipients, Vivian made her orchestral solo debut performance with the Ambler Symphony in 2013. Vivian has performed as a soloist in many prestigious venues including all three halls of Carnegie Hall, Lincoln Center, Merkin Hall, and the Kennedy Center.

Vivian studied piano at the International Institute for Young Musicians (IIYM) and worked with renowned pianists including Steven Spooner and Dr. Jack Winerock for two summers. As a result of being selected as the winner of the New Jersey State Conference Master Class, Vivian has also worked with distinguished pianist, Dr. Barry J. Snyder.

Vivian is also an avid flutist and was a member of the 2012 and 2013 Central Jersey Intermediate Regional Band. At the 2014 Central Jersey Music Educators Association Region II Concert Band Festival, Vivian received the "Outstanding Musicianship" award for her flute solo. She has been seated first chair for her school's band for five consecutive years. In 2015, she and her high school band appeared on American Idol for performing at Jax's homecoming parade.

Most importantly, Vivian is committed to using her music to help the community. She actively worked with Ronald McDonald House's Children Helping Children Performathon, The Chelsea, New Jersey Veterans Memorial Home, and Saint Peter's Hospital. She has also worked with Bravura Youth Orchestra's Chamber Ensemble and accompanied violinists and singers. Vivian especially enjoys teaching beginner pianists.

At Yale, she is planning on joining Yale Undergraduate Piano Collective and Instrumental Connection (teach New Haven kids piano lessons). She is currently a pianist for Yale's Saybrook College Orchestra in their 2017-18 season.

In her spare time, Vivian enjoys listening to music, swimming, playing tennis, skiing, traveling, and attending music concerts and festivals.


Daniel Suo


Pauline Yang