"Jun Liu is a resident of Edison, New Jersey and studied with Mrs. Clarfield from 1998-2003. She graduated from high school in June 2003 and is currently in her third year at MIT. She is a double major in Brain and Cognitive Sciences and Music, and hopes to pursue a Ph. D. in neuroscience or a related field. She has gotten involved in research for over a year and has worked in Professor Mriganka Sur's lab at MIT and Professor Michael Goldberg's lab in Columbia University. Her projects in those labs have consisted of studying the interplay of attention and vision in macaque monkeys. She has recently become interested in artificial intelligence and hopes to take on some research projects in that field. She keeps music an active part of her life, playing with chamber groups, studying privately under the Emerson Music Scholarship, and taking theory classes. "

-- Jun


Charlie Liu


Ralles Liu