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Colorado Music Teachers Association State Conference

with Guest Left Hand Artist Alejando Cremaschi

June 5, 1:00 - 2:30
The Road to Technical and Stylistic Mastery

This workshop examines the essential elements of building a solid technique that leads to greater musicality and stylistic awareness. Attention will be given on how to achieve the correct sound that will result in desired musical purpose. An overview of the stylistic traits of the musical periods will be presented as they relate to how a student learns and polishes their repertoire for performance. Repertoire and exercises will be demonstrated from Elementary through Advanced levels.

June 6, 9:30 - 11:00 Master Class

June 6, 4:30 - 6:00
Teaching Voicing From Top to Bottom and Sometimes in the Middle too!

Long before our students play advanced repertoire, they need to know that voicing is essential for an artistic performance. In this session, teachers will learn many ideas for helping students to achieve skillful voicing. These suggestions will include exercises, repertoire and strategies for students of all ages and levels.

Showing of "Take a Bow:the Ingrid Clarfield Story"

May 19

Master Class with Students of Inessa Glyzernova

July 25

National Conference on Keyboard Pedagogy Conference